Contact: Lerato Balendran, GCE Communications Officer

Civil Society demands G20 countries make strong commitments on the Education 2030 Agenda

Amidst a global education crisis civil society calls for G20 leader to integrate recommendations into the G20 Ministerial Declaration. The urgency could not be more heightened: with 12 years to left to provide high-quality equitable education, and reduce the global number of 617 million of out-of-school children, global leaders must act now

GLOBAL: More than 600 CSOs from around the world have made specific recommendations for how the G20 could better solve common challenges that our world faces today. As Education Ministers prepare to meet on September 5th in Mendonza, Argentina, the Global Campaign for Education (GCE) demand G20 States to make strong commitments on SDG4 and the Education 2030 Agenda, with a particular focus on gender equality and tax justice as a way to promote the right to education.

“We urge the G20 States to fully embrace the SDG4/ E2030 Agenda, and ensure the realisation of the right to education for all people. This requires adequately financed public education systems, committed to inclusive education and non-discrimination, in particular gender equality which is seeing serious drawbacks. It is worrisome that some of the G20 countries, which are the largest economies in the world, are not making sufficient public investments in public education, despite broad consensus that this is key for the implementation of all SDGs and human rights” said Camilla Croso, GCE, President.

This year, under the theme “Building consensus for fair and sustainable development” G20 countries convene to discussways to strengthen global institutions, improve financial regulation and implement key economic reforms needed in each member economy.

Education remains a critical enabler to achieving the G20 objectives and plays an essential role in tackling shared global challenges of poverty, threats to inequality, including gender discrimination. Prioritising education secures inclusive development while promoting equitable, transformative education for all.

Representatives of the GCE participated in C20 dialogues with recommendations to suggest stronger language for the G20 States related to education, employment and inclusion. Additionally, the Global Campaign for Education supported the joint CSO declaration for G20 Education Ministers signed by 77 organisations.

“G20 has a historical responsibility in the realization of the right to education. This means promoting the holistic vision of education and its role in the construction of social justice. The economic dimension is crucial in this quest, which is why the G20´s contribution is strategic for the states to adequately finance public, free education systems and fly the inclusion flag for social transformation” added Vernor Muñoz, GCE, Head of Policy and Advocacy.

Among its demands for education, GCE calls for G20 States to guarantee education as a human right, through free and inclusive public education systems that value the teaching profession. G20 leaders must adequately finance and promote the overcoming of all forms of inequalities and discrimination, including the promotion of gender equality. The C20 document calls for States to adopt measures to contain tax evasion, ensuring tax justice as a key element for the sustainability of educational financing; guarantee 12 years of public primary and secondary education is compulsory and free; and invest at least 4% to 6% of their GDP, or 15% to 20% of their public budget in education, according to financial commitments signed in the Education 2030 Agenda. Read the full C20 policy document here.

National coalitions in G20 countries demands on Education 2030 , Gender Equality and Tax Justice

Brazil calls for the implementation of the National Education Plan (Law 13.005/2014) and minimum standards of quality in education (Custo Aluno-Qualidade Inicial /Cost of Initial Quality Education per Student).

Reinsertion of determinations on education for gender equality and sexual orientation in national, state and municipal legislation; and implementation of policies with such objectives. Action against the School Without a Party project, which acts to ensure that gender equality proposals for education are excluded from public policies.

Civil society in Brazil calls for the revocation of Constitutional Amendment 95, which imposes a ceiling on investments in social areas for 20 years, in a policy of arid austerity that ravages the country. Along with this, it is necessary to carry out a tax reform, in line with the principles of tax justice, and to expand public spending in social areas, in order to return the country to social and economic development.

The New Indonesia coalition is focused on the achievement of the SDG4 and Education 2030 Framework for Action (FFA). New Indonesia prompted government to provide access to 12-year education for both boys and girls free of charge, especially for the poor, marginalized, and children with special needs (disabled group).

The coalition aims to eliminate gender disparities in education and ensure equal access to all levels of education for the vulnerable, including persons with disabilities, indigenous peoples and children in vulnerable situations.

When it comes to tax justice, New Indonesia coalition calls on government and parliament to complete the revision of the General Taxation Regulations (KUP) immediately, strengthen tax reform efforts while optimizing state revenues from the tax sector.

In the United States of America GCE-US and its member coalitions advocate for SDG principles and SDG4 indicators to be included in the new US government international basic education strategy.

USA coalitions call for the continuation of the Let Girls Learn initiative which recognises the multiple challenges faced by adolescent girls in pursuing education. The aim is to influence congressional legislation including the Keeping Girls in School Act. Civil society demands gender equality be fully included in the READ Act, including the new US government international basic education strategy and new USAID education policy.

About SDG4, Gender Equality and Tax Justice

The SDG4 goal is to “ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.” It is only through education that we can bridge poverty and inequality divides worldwide. While significant progress has been made since 2000, governments and stakeholders must advance the education goal and ensure all girls and boys complete free primary and secondary schooling by 2030.

Increasing inequality between and within countries remains a significant problem to humanity. Tax avoidance and evasion impairs societies’ ability to meet the basic needs of every individual and undermines human rights and equality. Radical international tax reforms are essential to achieve, free, quality public education for all. We call for a new international governance mechanism on taxation, based on a balanced system of rights and obligations, that improves the quality of life of all people.

Gender inequalities in education are a function of gender discrimination and patriarchal social and cultural structures. G20 countries and governments can revolutionize girls’ and women’s experience of the education system through adopting enabling laws, policies and practices to make education available, accessible, acceptable and adaptable.

The C20 (Civil 20) is a mechanism and space for participation of civil society in the G20. It is composed of non-governmental organizations and leads the discussions between CSOs and the governments that are part of the Group of Twenty.

The Global Campaign for Education (GCE) is a civil society movement that calls on governments to realise the right to education. With members in more than 90 countries,the network connects grassroots organizations, teachers’ unions, child rights groups, NGOs, parents’ associations and community groups.

The Global Campaign for Education – USA is a broad-based coalition that promotes education as a human basic right and mobilises political will in the USA and internationally to ensure universal quality education which is at the core of all human development.

The New Indonesia Coalition aims to strengthen access to education for all Indonesian citizens. The coalition fights for their rights to education and public policies that support Education for All (EFA)

The National Campaign for the Right to Education in Brazil works for the realization and expansion of educational policies so that all persons have guaranteed their right to a public education, free, inclusive, secular, and quality in Brazil

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The Global Campaign for Education (GCE) is a civil society movement that aims to end exclusion in education. Education is a basic human right, and our mission is to make sure that governments act now to deliver the right of everyone to a free, quality, public education.