Take Part in GAWE

Global Action Week for Education is one of the major focal points for the education movement.

It provides every national and regional education campaign with an opportunity to highlight one area of the Education For All agenda and make targeted efforts to achieve change on the ground, with the added support of education campaigners and millions of members of the public worldwide joining together for the same cause.

2012: Rights from the Start: Early Childhood Care and Education Now!

In 2012 GCE focused on early childhood care and education (ECCE), with the ‘Rights from the Start’ campaign. Every child has the right to education, and these rights start from birth, but every year, over 200 million children under the age of five do not receive these rights, giving them less chance to achieve their potential and end the cycle of poverty.

2011: It's a Right! Make it Right! Education for Women and Girls Now!

In 2011, Global Action Week targeted girls’ education with the ‘Make it Right‘ campaign. In 2005 the world missed the first target agreed within the framework for the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs): to eliminate gender disparity in primary and secondary education by that year.

2010: 1GOAL Education For All: Financing Quality Public Education

2010’s Global Action Week took place from 19 -25 April, as part of GCE’s 1GOAL: Education For All campaign. 1GOAL brought together the power of football through the 2010 FIFA World Cup in South Africa – the first ever held on African soil – and the cause of education to mobilise millions of members of the public.

2009: The Big Read: Youth and Adult Literacy and Lifelong Learning

The 2009 Global Action Week focused on adult literacy and life-long learning and took place 20th–26th April.

2008: Quality Education to End Exclusion: The World's Biggest Lesson

For the sixth time education campaigners around the globe came out in record numbers to commemorate Global Action Week. Since starting in 2003 the week has grown from two million people to a record 8.8 million people in 2008.

2007: JOIN UP - Education Rights Now!

In 2007 Global Action Week focused on education as a human right. Over sixty years ago education was declared a basic human right for every person, and enshrined in the Universal Declaration on Human Rights in 1948.

2006: Every Child Needs a Teacher

Every Child Needs a Teacher was the slogan under which campaigners across the globe united during the week 24-30th April.

2005: Send My Friend to School

In 2005, GCE mobilised unprecedented public pressure on governments and the international community, demanding that they fulfil their obligations to provide free, quality education for all people and that they Educate to End Poverty.

2004: World's Biggest Ever Lobby

In 2004, children spoke out directly to politicians in face-to-face meetings, parliamentary debates and letters as part of the “World’s Biggest Ever Lobby”.

2003: Girls' Education: The Biggest Lesson

Over 2 million people in 70 countries took part in the record-breaking “Girls’ Education: The Biggest Lesson”.

The Global Campaign for Education (GCE) is a civil society movement that aims to end exclusion in education. Education is a basic human right, and our mission is to make sure that governments act now to deliver the right of everyone to a free, quality, public education.